kingdom of god poster

Luke 12:32
“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”


Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom
There are so many things that we are anxious of and afraid of such as death by persecution, public shame, basic physical needs. All through the bible, we read again and again , “Do not fear” as fear keeps popping up again and again into even the best of us. This is mainly because we think of God as someone who is busy, has to look into the concerns of the whole world. We sometimes feel God may be angry with us, has not forgotten or forgiven our previous sins or there could be more pious people that God is more bothered about.


Well this verse puts an end to these thoughts and confusions as the verse speaks about God’s mind and His nature. The verse says that it is His wish and He wants to give the kingdom to His people just like how a father toils all through his life to give the best for his children and gives everything freely. The main reason to give is His love. His love made Him to look for an option to save us, only love made Jesus come to this world and lay down His life, there was no force behind it.


We may at times feel, low, less, not worthy, or weak in front of others, but our Father is not bothered about all these factors at all. He considers Himself as our Father and we are His children. Our Father is optima of compassion, grace, kindness and at the same time righteous. The verse emphasis that it is the God’s good pleasure to give the kingdom of God. He sees no reason to keep it back. He will also use all His power to take care of us because we are precious to Him. Hence, He calls “Little flock with affection & care” as He know we are little in size, strength, wisdom, righteousness, and love. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give it to his little flock, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived”.

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