A Fresh Start
Why are we here?
At the core, we were created to love God, and to love each other. From the beginning, God provided for all our needs abundantly, and He wanted us reflect His image and experience His goodness. Being organised, multiplying, growth, and fruitfulness were all part of His plan, to share His glory with us.
What is our purpose?
Jesus is our purpose. After having fallen short of God’s glory, our redemption, out of God’s unconditional love for us, happened through Jesus. His sacrificial crucifixion for us, saved us. His love simply conquered everything, even death. And through this phenomenon, we got fortunate to reflect His image once again, and experience His goodness once again. We started afresh, living with a purpose, for Jesus. “
Who we are & What we believe
We are a Church, focused on the life of Jesus. We are a people who imbibe his teachings. We believe God works within us inwardly, and He expects us to express that work outwardly, in all its vibrancy, reaching out to people at all the ends of the earth. We give thanks. We celebrate a saved soul. Pride repels us, and humility attracts us. We love each other, and with us, everyone has a part to play.
How we grow
Families that grow together, always stay together, and fellowship is the key to this bonding. Our bonding starts with outstretched arms, by getting involved, and by loving one another. In other words, with a whole heart we worship, we serve, and we share the Gospels.
Our Shepherds
We may sound biased, but we are blessed with an anointed team of Pastors as our leaders. Bethel AG Church is led by Pastor M A Varughese + Sr. Aleyamma Varghese, and Ps. Abraham Varghese + Sr. Jisha Abraham, who are supported by an incredible team of Pastors and their families, who are gifted and anointed in their own ways. Together, they take personal responsibility for the vision of the Church to be fulfilled, and unity of the Church to be maintained.
Experience our Lord Jesus on one given Sunday – just one. For us, we couldn’t be more blessed to have you around. For you, it could very well be a life-changing experience. Follow us online, and subscribe to our social media platforms to stay tuned with our events. WhatsApp us to get added to the Church Broadcast list. To learn more, please get in touch with us at +91-91080-24050
Why Jesus?
Jesus was crucified because He claimed to be God’s anointed, and the herald of the Kingdom of God into human history. God’s raising of Jesus from the dead vindicates in a public and unequivocal way, those allegedly blasphemous claims for which He was crucified. If this man was raised from the dead, then the God that He had allegedly blasphemed has publicly committed himself to Him and vindicated those radical claims. So, it is on the basis of the evidence of resurrection that we can believe in the efficacy of Christ’s atoning death, and for that reason Christ – and Christ alone – is the means of salvation.
WORSHIP with outstretched hands
By worshipping, we acknowledge Him, and His worthiness, for He is worthy of all praise, honor, and glory. By worshipping we declare His presence in our midst. Here, worshipping is not limited to a place or time, but it all begins with the glow in our hearts, and spreads beyond four walls into an experience that transforms us. This mode helps us to surrender and submit all our cares into His hands – our hopes, dreams, and fears.
Serving others for others’ good is a way to show God’s care for the world. Jesus says ‘let other men observe your good works, the things that you do in the name of God, to care for, love, and comfort other people, so that they will see your good works, and glorify your father who is in heaven’. We serve to build up the body of Christ. We serve to further the Gospel. We serve because we love God, and we consider it as a privilege to live for Him and His Kingdom…… because He died for us.
Growing in Christ is a delightful privilege we have, which comes once we accept God’s remarkable gift of salvation through our saviour, Lord Jesus. Growing in Christ takes time, as we see in many aspects of our lives. Plants for instance, would need nurturing, time, and care before we can see it grown. Likewise, friendship. It takes commitment and time for a relationship to grow between individuals. The more you invest into such things, your labour will reap more fruits, and your relationships will grow more closer.
This new life, or growth in Christ begins with an amazing dichotomy. It begins with Christ’s death on the cross. And further, as we grow and be crucified with our Lord, it will no longer be we who live, but Christ who lives in us. This part – this growing part – is what may turn out to be the journey of your lifetime. Welcome aboard!